cool features in ms visual express 8b1
i really like idea, but i have to use C/C++ from time to time. Up to now there was no real ide like intellij for tasks like this. sure there is eclipse.cdt, which becomes better and better but is still quiet buggy (especially the code parser is slow and does not work really).
So i thought to give ms a trial. i just downloaded ms.visualexpress 8b1. i can say to you: it was impressive.
- code-navigation (go to def, go to decl, usage-search, go to last/next edit location) (cdt 's definition-search is more than painful: slow, incomplete and hard to access)
- really cool winodw managment (same as flexible as in eclipse3 but IMHO more intuitive; idea is here clearly outdated)
- copy and paste in project-navigator (i know it is planed for irida)
- quiet intelligent code completition
and for me a real top-feature (never seen elsewhere):
- a window which shows the definition of the element (struct, class, method) where the cursor in the editor currently stays. This is especially cool in ASNSI C with all small structs i always forget. Is there a way to get this for intellij too?
sure there is currently no built in refactoring, it is still a little bit buggy, but it looks and feels very polished.
i know it was offtopic, but it is ide-development-related so thought it could be posted here.
watzlaw wutz
I think there used to be a context plugin that performed this. It was
very nice for working with code that you did not write.
Norris Shelton
Sun Certified Java Programmer
watzlaw wrote:
>and for me a real top-feature (never seen elsewhere):
>- a window which shows the definition of the element (struct, class, method) where the cursor in the editor currently stays. This is especially cool in ASNSI C with all small structs i always forget. Is there a way to get this for intellij too?
>watzlaw wutz
Personally, I really hate the "Perspective" stuff from Eclipse. It's so confusing that I can access everything without having to add it the current perspective or switch to some other perspective. I want everything at my fingertips no matter what I am doing. IDEA provides this with a very nice interface. I want the same overall view when I am debugging as when I am using VCS as when I am coding. I don't want the world to change for each of those.
In fact, Perspectives are one of the many frustrations that cause me to chuck Eclipse after about 15 minutes of use.
Err, that should be "It's so confusing that I can't access everything...."
hi pbur.
it's just a feature in eclipse, not a must. if you don't like it just say "don't switch perspective" and "remember my decision" and it won't annoy again.
For me eclipse (or ms.vs8) workspace-layout is much better than the one of idea. if you ever tried to get a splitted tool-window at one side (eg at the top the navigator, and at the botton the ant-tasks) you know why. arbitrary workspace-layout is IMHO a must for any modern IDE.
watzlaw wutz
err: Hi Patrick Burleson.
it is strange if i click at "reply to your message", your name changes to pbur. don't know why.
For me, Eclipse's window-management also doesn't work as well as IDEA's (or even NetBeans V4, JBuilder etc.).
While it really looks cool at first, you can define everything yourself, you can create multiple perspectives, each configured exactly to your own needs, it doesn't seem to work as well in practice.
Cannot exactly narrow down the reason why I feel Eclipse's UI clumsy and unprodutive, but I really like IDEA's better (or JBuilder's, before IDEA); there was a thread on TSS about this, many people out there who dislike Eclipse-UIs like me, anyone here can give a reason?
kind regards,
maybe i was blind or intellij changed the irida-task-list, but a minute ago i found:
- Quick view implementation (with navigation ability)
thx for the featue.
watzlaw wutz