Does dinamyc class reloading for weaved files supported?
I do have problems with synchronization of executable code and sources. My breakepoints becomes invalid after i do class reloadin via "Update (ctrl+f10)>update classes and resources )". i suppose this is because of our classes are weaved. this is a probable reason, but i.'m not sure. Can you help to investigate the reason myself or it's better to report an issue?
Hi Alexander,
Am I right assuming that you're using load-time weaving?
What is your target use-case - j2se/tomcat/weblogic/etc local/remote aplication?
Regards, Denis.
no, we do compile time weaving with aspectj weaver plugin. after classes have been reloaded breakpoints become invalid with message no executable code detected. if apllication server does matter - we use local glassfish 2.1.1 without any specific configuration
Am I right assuming that you use this plugin? You can see that it's produced by third-party contributor and is not supported by IDEA team.
Full-fledged aspectj support is on the way and you can check its current state and monitor the progress via confluence - AspectJ Support Plugin.
Denis, thanks for the plugin - i'll try it. And yes but the real question is the why breakpoints become invalid. i still don't see how to capture the problem reason.
regarding the plugin we use - yes, it is exactly thatplugin.
It looks like LineNumberTable structure of the class currently loaded to JVM under debug becomes inconsistent with the source file data but It's hard to be sure on exact reason, sorry.