Git and gitconfig question

Hey gang,

Simple question but if one modifies their gitconfig (both in gitbash and in the program files/git/etc folder) and adds their username and email, is Intellij when pointed to the git.exe file going to honor that username and email? Or is it going to use the default windows user one is logged in as and leave the email id blank?

Thanks in advance.

Permanently deleted user

Well I was expecting an answer but I guess no one is using Git...

The answer is a resounding NO. If you have a gitconfig, Intellij completely ignores it which is a bit unfortunate. That is why I do my pushes/commits now from command line only. It would be a sweet feature if the git plugin for Intellij was a bit more in like the maven plugin where you can tell what repository to look at or point it to a specific conf.xml etc etc. Still git support is better than nothing right?



I got the same problem. I have issued the problem.

Permanently deleted user

Perfect! Thanks!

I also wonder if like in SVN where we have the multiple tabbed Changes section which shows Repository and Incoming changes...if the same can be applied for Git. That would pretty much make the Git support perfect!

