I'm still finding coolness
Even after all these years now IDEA still amazes me sometimes.
I had this in my code
Object newItem = oldItem;
And quite rightly the oldItem assignment was marked grey. But without
thinking I did a "Join Lines" on the first line and it worked!
Object newItem = TO_LOAD_MARKER;
Now I know it works when there's no assignation on the first line, but
with the extraneous one I thought it would just do:
Object newItem = oldItem;newItem = TO_LOAD_MARKER;
It's these little details, these times where where the developer has
just gone that little bit further to make IDEA go above and beyond the
call of duty, that makes IDEA such a pleasure to use. Nice One!
Nathan, that must be one of the cool plugins other people write and you
inadvertently loaded. I doubt it was done by IntelliJ, since they are
too lazy to even produce more than two IDEA builds a day.
And be aware - if you talk too much they will ask you to file a SCR.
Nathan Brown wrote:
What I typed/noticed this morning:
lman.holdingPurchase(holding, value, period.getStopDate());
where lman is an undefined variable. I give it the old ALT-ENTER, create field, and Intellij searched my entire project for the one class with a method that matched that signature, and declared my new field to be of that type. wow.
Tell me that was sarcasm?
Richard Nemec wrote:
You being funny, right?
Robert S. Sfeir wrote:
Now I don't know what to say.
- add some more aggressive words about people spending too much time
improving J2EE support, or
- explain that compliments can sometimes be formulated with negative
wording (like the one above), or
- admit my poor attempts to be funny
P.S. Do you have any friends that are from U.K.? I have few and love
their humor.
Robert S. Sfeir wrote:
Now I don't know what to say.
- add some more aggressive words about people spending too much time
improving J2EE support, or
- explain that compliments can sometimes be formulated with negative
wording (like the one above), or
- admit my poor attempts to be funny
P.S. Do you have any friends that are from U.K.? I have few and love
their humor.
Richard Nemec wrote:
>> You being funny, right?
Yes I do, and love their humor, though I must say your attempt fell
short of mimicking theirs. :)
I like that feature as well, but has anyone else noticed sometimes it just doesn't work? Sometimes I'll call someMap.put(x, y) where someMap is undefined, and it won't know that it's a Map or any of its subclasses, it will just use Object.
Oh, so you find our sense of humour amusing, do you?
"Robert S. Sfeir" <robert@codepuccino.com> wrote in message
On Fri, 06 Feb 2004 23:15:34 +0000, Dave Lorde wrote:
I find it funny actually, much more enjoyable than mere amusing.
I find this very disturbing. English humour is delightful at max. Certainly not more so.
"Keith Lea" <keith@cs.oswego.edu> wrote in message
doesn't work? Sometimes I'll call someMap.put(x, y) where someMap is
undefined, and it won't know that it's a Map or any of its subclasses, it
will just use Object.
let us be realistic: how many classes in your opinion have the method "put"
declared? Are you really willing to display them all? Do you think it is
easy to find them all? Actually some time ago there were such attempts
performed, but we soon realized that the result obtained is not worth the
time spent for searching and restricted this feature to work when only a
limited number of classes have the desired field/method name.
Also for the same performance reasons we search only for the same name and
not for entire signature match.
This feature works very well in general. In the counter example given, the
cost to the user is three keystrokes ('M' 'a' 'p'). Guessing the type is a
nice thing, having to type it is not the end of the world in any sense (I
remember the day before dirt was invented when we just had rocks to eat and
we had to type ENTIRE PROGRAMS by HAND).
Evgueny Vigdorchik wrote:
>> I like that feature as well, but has anyone else noticed sometimes it
>> just
Ted Dunning
I didn't mean to offend you :), I just remember that it used to suggest Map, and doesn't now. I thought maybe it gave up after a certain amount of computation time, it makes sense that it would.
Tell us which country you are from Hezekiel, and then we can analyse how delightful your own humour is.
I meant to add, if you think our humour is so delightful, you obviously haven't witnessed Les Dennis, Bobby Davro, Lily Savage, Graham Norton and so on!