TestNG Configuration Not Showing Up In Maia Build 10781
I installed the TestNG plug-in for Maia build 10781, but I don't see the TestNG configuration under Run/Build. I can add JUnit successfully. I annotated a test class using the TestNG annotations in my project /test source directory, but it never switched on the "TestNG" marking.
I'm running Maia 10781 on Windows XP Pro SP3 using Sun's JDK 1.6.0_13.
What do you mean by "installing the testng plugin" - since IDEA 7 the plugin has shipped -with- IntelliJ - there should be no need to manually install it.
Hi Mark,
I could see the JUnit icon when I opened the Run->Edit Configurations drop-down, but not TestNG. I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that I needed to download and install the TestNG plugins.
You're right about it being available in earlier versions. I can see "TestNG" as an option in an earlier version of IntelliJ that I have installed.
How can I get it back for build 10781 of Maia?
Check that the "TestNG-J" plugin is installed and enabled in
Installed and enabled, but still no TestNG option in my configurations.
Hello Michael,
Could you please check that you do not have
1. TestNG plugin in USER_HOME/.IntelliJ IDEA9.x/config/plugins,
2. exceptions in the log USER_HOME/.IntelliJ IDEA9.x/system/log/idea.log
If so could you please take a screenshot of your Run Configurations default
settings: Run|Edit Configurations|Edit Defaults
Thank you
Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hi Anna,
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I think I'm all sorted out now, but I'm still mystified as to what I did wrong. I took the easy way out by uninstalling and re-installing build 10781. Of course TestNG was there after I re-installed, and all was well.
I must have done something to break the plug-in, but I couldn't swear in a court of law as to what I did.
Thanks again. - Michael