uiDesigner: why don't you use the default gridBagLayoutManager?

why don't you use the deafult gridBagLayoutManager fro uiDesigner? it will be so cool if we can use the uiDesigner without need of forms_rt.jar:

1) we build our ui in the uiDesigner
2) idea generates uiSource into code
3) we can extract our finished application without linking to forms_rt.jar
4) i'm happy (my chief will not bundle forms_rt.jar into our app) ;)

Permanently deleted user

Also for Horizontal and Vertical layouts.

"Michael Seele" <mseele@guh-software.de> wrote in message

why don't you use the deafult gridBagLayoutManager fro uiDesigner? it will

be so cool if we can use the uiDesigner without need of forms_rt.jar:

1) we build our ui in the uiDesigner
2) idea generates uiSource into code
3) we can extract our finished application without linking to forms_rt.jar
4) i'm happy (my chief will not bundle forms_rt.jar into our app) ;)

