Annoying issues with IDEA 7.0.x

I have been a die hard IDEA fan & for the last 6 years. I'm sorry to say that I've had the worst experience with IDEA 7.0.x out of all IDEA versions. What I liked about IDEA is that it makes it easy to do the simple things. In 7.0 i find several annoying issues like the UI not getting rendered properly, syntax errors not getting highlighted, tab colors not changing after the files are committed etc. I'm on Ubuntu 7.04. I switched back to IDEA 6.0.5.

IDEA 7 has introduced a whole lot of new features which I seldom use and at the same time has broken some of the features I frequently use. IMHO, IDEA is suffering from featuritis (

Has anyone else found IDEA 7 to be not up to the mark?

Message was edited by:
Afkham Azeez


I think IDEA 7 is the best IDE I have ever used. I'm running it on Ubuntu.

I haven't experienced any of the bugs cited, although I started using version 7.0.2. I also think this is a pathetic way to express your frustration, thread-starter. The thread title says it all, not exactly a grown-up way to handle your problems.


I've just switched recently from Netbeans to IDEA and this IDE is just amazing.
Everything works smoothly.
I have to say that the only thing I can point is that unfortunately many plugins are still not fully compatible with 7.0.2 but that's not in any way a core product problem...


Most people will agree that IDEA is the best IDE compared to others. This thread is not comparing IDEA vs some other IDE. It compares IDEA 7.0.x against older versions of itself. My experience with older versions has been better, that's it.


Yes, you're right. In that respect I don't have much experience (being 7 the first version I use)


Yes, and I don't necessarily say that you're wrong (since 7 was my first). But it's the way you handle it in this thread that is provoking. You are being rude, without providig any constructive critisism whatsoever. You should consider renaming the thread, and apologize your behaviour to the people working to improve and evolve this wonderful product.

You are fully entitled to your opinions, but please address it in an appropriate manner.

Most people will agree that IDEA is the best IDE
compared to others. This thread is not comparing IDEA
vs some other IDE. It compares IDEA 7.0.x against
older versions of itself. My experience with older
versions has been better, that's it.


I have provided detailed information and screenshots about these bugs, and yet you say that I've not providing constructive criticism? What else do I have to do to make this a more constructive discussion? I've been ONLY using IDEA since 2.x releases (way back in 2002), and have been able to convince many others to switch from other IDEs to IDEA. Now, when annoying little bugs keep bothering me, I have to speak up in a stern voice.


Hello Afkham,

>> 3. Sometimes, the words inside String literals are identified as
>> keywords, and red bars appear on the right side falsely indicating
>> compilation errors. This requires a restart of the IDE

Please see the attached screenshot which illustrates the bug I
reported in item 3. I am running with a minimal set of the the default
plugins which came with IDEA 7.0.2

The highlighting by itself is not a bug, but rather a feature of the Hibernate
plugin. The highlighting of the "as" keyword as an error seems to be a bug,
which we will try to fix in 7.0.3:

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


I've noticed the new hibernate support doesn't like "from Foo" but
prefers "select f from Foo f" - it likes the "select" filled out.

It seems that IDEA thinks your query to be JPA one, not Hibernate. Do
you have Hibernate facet configured correctly?


Yes, you provided some details after being explained to do so, but this thread still stands as "IDEA 7.0.x SUCKS!". It's just the whole intent of making this thread that provokes. Maybe we just disagree in what is acceptable behaviour, and how one adresses such problems you've had. I will end our discussion here.


Peter Gromov (JetBrains) wrote:

It seems that IDEA thinks your query to be JPA one, not Hibernate. Do
you have Hibernate facet configured correctly?

Actually I'm not sure - I'll need to check that. I think I've been
mislead by hibernate allowing 'from Foo' queries even when using


this thread still stands as "IDEA 7.0.x SUCKS!"

I've changed the forum topic. My apologies to anyone who felt offended by this thread. Anyway, I think during the course of this discussion, we have been able to uncover some real issues. It is by criticism that things tend to improve, and by not merely saying "yes, this is absolutely perfect" for everything.

It's just the whole intent of making this thread that provokes

What do you think my intent in starting this thread was?


this is a much better title :)

And usually IDEA developpers are resposive enough that we don't need to be overly aggressive to draw attention :)


I have given up on 7.0.2 (also tried the EAP). Tried all the suggestions by intellij support but the CPU keeps spiking to 100% while typing.

Went back to 6.0.5 which works adequately. Feel bad that I asked my company to buy the upgrades.


I was not offended, though I might have used a different topic, but it still did not offend me.

I am actually more offended by the attacks on the messenger(aka you). I am sorry you got bullied into censoring your opinion. Sadly, as is usually the case for most products, there is usually only a few vocal voices representing those that won't speak up(and usually move silently to another product).

Personally, I like these type of messages(on occasion), because it gives me a chance to see how the representatives of a company handle the situation.



The pauses are really starting to annoying me too. I'll see if disabling "Synchronize files on frame activation" helps. I might see if I can take a CPU snapshot, too.


I felt it as it is not robust and fast as 6.0, features aside.
Bugs are inevitable I hope the ongoing maintenance release will fix that.

However, everything is just a tad slower than before.

Some new features gets in the way and slows things down. For example, hit File/New Project, it takes 4 seconds or more to initialize something like web service, Javascript, JSP etc totally not relevant to my usage.

I suggest we have a wizard that add/remove features when you start the IDEA the first time and trims down all the unnecessary built-in features and plug-ins based on our usage.


Hello stanley,

I felt it as it is not robust and fast as 6.0, features aside. Bugs
are inevitable I hope the ongoing maintenance release will fix that.

However, everything is just a tad slower than before.

Some new features gets in the way and slows things down. For example,
hit File/New Project, it takes 4 seconds or more to initialize
something like web service, Javascript, JSP etc totally not relevant
to my usage.

Feel free to disable the WebServices, JavaScript and Java EE plugins if you're
not using any of those technologies. Note that the possibility to disable
Java EE suppor, in particular, is new for version 7.

I suggest we have a wizard that add/remove features when you start the
IDEA the first time and trims down all the unnecessary built-in
features and plug-ins based on our usage.

Don't you find this suggestion to be self-contradictory?

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Considering the above negative posts, i feel
compelled to say that I enjoy very much 7.0 (bought a
personal license for 5.0 which i upgraded for 6.0 and
then 7.0).

There is only One thing that really bugs me :
sometimes, IDEA will stop accepting any input event
though the display still refreshes normally and the
ui updates itself (especially the GC progress keeps
moving). In this case I have to kill IDEA using the
Program manager (but have not yet managed to get
sufficient info to post a JIRA).

6.0x also does that from time to time.
At first I thought it was a GC process hanging (as that causes Eclipse to lock up solid from time to time) but now I'm not so sure.


there seem to be a lead that it may be caused by IntelliJad plugin, nothing sure yet though


'm be releasing a new version that will hopefully address this issue - expect to see it before next weekend.

Incidentally - Jeroen, do you have IntelliJad installed?

- Steve



Though I can remove the bundled plugins, I cannot find a way to reinstall them back, because they are not in the 'available plugins'. It seems that the bundled plugin in the ]]>/Plugins is physically deleted. True?

(sorry to OP this thread is out of the original topic...)


you don't have to uninstall them, you can just disable them (using the plugin manager)


I agree with the view that version 5.x is the most stable.

I've found 7.x very slow, consuming high memory and at times CPU. It has numerous good features and fine tunes, which are very much appreciated. JSP editing is much much better now.

I've tweaked my idea JVM settings to -


which makes the IDE much more responsive. However, it still takes about a minute or more to start up and load my modules. My project is big (about 3000 java files and 10,000 jsp/image files).

I've noticed that when I Alt+Tab back into the IDE, it takes half a minute to a minute to get focus, which is really making me lose my productivity. I've got a Core 2 CPU/ 2GB RAM.

I do also run Weblogic, which consumes about 200 MB of memory with heavy usage.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong?, as I'd really like to improve the responsiveness of Idea.

Thank you!


I've updated my JVM settings to


and it seems much better now!


Hello Gavin,

G> I've noticed that when I Alt+Tab back into the IDE, it takes half a
G> minute to a minute to get focus, which is really making me lose my
G> productivity. I've got a Core 2 CPU/ 2GB RAM.

You might want to try turning off the "synchronize files on frame activation"
option (in IDE settings/General). If you have loads of files this can slow
you down quite a bit. You'll then have to invoke syncronization explicitly,
when you make changes outside of the IDE.



Hello Gavin,

I agree with the view that version 5.x is the most stable.

I've found 7.x very slow, consuming high memory and at times CPU. It
has numerous good features and fine tunes, which are very much
appreciated. JSP editing is much much better now.

I've tweaked my idea JVM settings to -

which makes the IDE much more responsive. However, it still takes
about a minute or more to start up and load my modules. My project is
big (about 3000 java files and 10,000 jsp/image files).

This is more or less normal. You can take a CPU snapshot of the startup process
using YourKit and send it to us for investigation, but I'm not sure if we'll
find any possibilities for improvement there.

I've noticed that when I Alt+Tab back into the IDE, it takes half a
minute to a minute to get focus, which is really making me lose my
productivity. I've got a Core 2 CPU/ 2GB RAM.

This isn't normal at all. Please take a CPU snapshot so that we can see why
exactly the delay happens.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Hello Gavin,

I've noticed that when I Alt+Tab back into the IDE, it takes half a
minute to a minute to get focus, which is really making me lose my
productivity. I've got a Core 2 CPU/ 2GB RAM.

This isn't normal at all. Please take a CPU snapshot so that we can see why
exactly the delay happens.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


This looks like the issue reported in - While it does not happen to me every time I return focus back to IDEA, it does regularly take a good 30 seconds to get focus. And occasionally hangs for several minutes with high disk activity.



Hi Dmitry,

After changing the -Xms setting to 128MB, it works very well now. ALT + Tabbing works much, much better now.

Even the file synchronization is faster.

I think 32M is way too low for an initial setting?

Thanks for replying so quickly!,



Thanks Andrei!

But I do ant builds quite frequently so I'd like to leave this feature turned on. It's one of the features of IDEA I really liked when I first started.



What does performing Ant builds (I assume not using IDEA itself) have to do with synchronizing files every time you reactivate IDEA?

Randall Schulz

