Multiple Module support question
This is not the normal "when is it going to be done?" question (although any hints would be appreciated). For the project I'm currently working on, we have the core source code, then multiple sets of test code (one for vanilla junit, one for cactus tests, one for the delegate UI interfaces, etc). Currently, I cannot compile all of this together because there are some class names that are duplicated within the source trees (they are in separate source directories, but all in the same package namespace).
I'm hoping that when the multiple module support goes live, I can define a main source module, then a number of different test modules that depend on it. Is this the way it will be structured?
Jeff Whitmire wrote:
Yes. That is the whole point of modules
Dmitry Lomov
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Cool, can't wait.