Norton AntiVirus flags VirusBurst in IDEA files?
After my last virus definition update (24Mar2007), the several IDEA 6.0.4 files have been flagged as being infected with VirusBurst ( The first file "hit" was Uninstall.exe. A subsequent hit was found in idea-6.0.4.exe (the installer).
I sent the Uninstall.exe file to Symantec for analysis and got back the following response:
We have analyzed your submission. The following is a report of our findings for each file you have submitted:
filename: c:\program files\jetbrains\intellij idea 6.0\bin\uninstall.exe
result: This file is detected as VirusBurst.
Developer notes:
c:\program files\jetbrains\intellij idea 6.0\bin\uninstall.exe known exploit or attack code which can be delivered by a number of channels to compromise a system
Anyone else see this?
I'm getting exactly the same error. I downloaded 6.0.4 last week without any problems. Today I can't. Looks like a problem with the latest virus definitions.
Unfortunately, I'm at work and my machine doesn't allow me to disable auto-protect. I hope this can be sorted out quickly as I'm a bit stuck without it.
- Ian
I can't download the latest Demetra or Selena EAP's either...
- Ian
I just had the same problem. I did a Symantec live update. There seems to be a new update today. Apparently Symantec has fixed the Virus definition because Symantec did not flag Idea as having a virus.
After updating my virus definitions (26March2007), the IDEA files are no longer flagged as infected.
It certainly would have been nice of Symantec to let me know that the files were falsely marked positive rather than sending me some bogus "yes, they're infected" response.