Newbie Question: Default keymap - Insert line above
New to IntelliJ - an old vi editor guy. Does someone know how to insert a line above the current line by using a simple key stoke combination? I know that Shift+Enter inserts a line below. I can't seem to find a simple combination for insert a line above.
I don't think there is any key-stroke that does this.
I suggest you record a macro (Tools menu) to perform this action (Home, Up, Enter) and assign a key-stoke to this macro (Settings, Keymap).
You could try the IdeaVIM plugin if you're really hard-wired!
Got two good replies here - thank you posters. The one I went with is the macro recording mapped to the key combination of "Shft + Ins". The plugin was another good suggestion, but I am trying to wean myself off of the Vi addiction.
In recent versions of IDEA, you are able to do this using ctrl-alt-enter