Pricing/licensing for IntelliJ IDEA 3.0
Here's the new pricing and licensing policy for IntelliJ IDEA 3.0:
New user price: $499
Upgrade from any version bought prior to Jan 1, 2002: $249 (50% off of the
new user price)
Annual Maintenance & Support Contract: $200
We will have a special offer until Jan 1, 2003:
New user price: $399
Upgrade from any version bought prior to Jan 1, 2002: $199
A license is still per-user, while the same user can use it on any number of
computers and OSes (but not simultaneously).
Basic license includes only free upgrades to bugfix releases for 30 days
after your purchase and installation and configuration support for 30 days
after your purchase.
Annual maintenance & support contract includes upgrades to all minor
versions and bugfixes we release during the term (1 year), full access to
our online support system and bug tracker. It does not include major
version upgrades, however it will cost 60% off of the new user price when
purchasing upgrades to major versions.
Customers with no maintenance will have an option to purchase upgrades at a
price of 40% off of the new user price.
Those who still have a valid 8-month maintenance subscription will be able
to use it for everything that the Annual Maintenance and Support contract
offers until the 8-months expire. After that you will need to purchase an
Annual Maintenance and Support contract at a $249 price.
EAP Rewards
In a couple of days, I will publish a list of about 30 EAP members who will
get free personal licenses for IntelliJ IDEA 3.0 + maintenance & support for
one year as a reward for their valuable contributions to the 3.0 release.
Best regards,
Eugene Belyaev
JetBrains, Inc
Just to get it right:
I bought my license in August 2001. To have a year of upgrades I have to pay
$249 for the upgrade
$200 for the one year of upgrades
$449 in total
Is this right?
What happens after the year ist over. Must I again pay $449 for an upgrade and a year of free updates or can I then simply extend the phase of free updates and support by yet another year by paying another $200.
Or must I sign a contract that will cost me $200 / year for at least x years?
On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 03:29:50 +0100, Eugene Belyaev wrote:
What actually comes with a purchased IDEA? CD Media and Printed documenation?
Docs on the open API? ( or are these available elsewhere? )
-- \m/ --
"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood." (c) Dream Theater - ICQ: 1934853 JID:
"Eugene Belyaev" <> wrote in message
Does this mean that user accounts on will be disabled for
everyone that doesn't purchase an annual maintenance and support contract?
Vilya Harvey, Consultant / digital steps /
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No, ITN is free for all. However, the developers will only assist to EAP
newsgroups and EAP-related tracker. Everything else is handled by the
support team.
"Vilya Harvey" <> wrote in message
One correction:
It was meant to be a $200 Annual Maintenance & Support contract, not $249.
"Eugene Belyaev" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 15:23:03 +0100, Eugene Belyaev wrote:
Whens the $200 anual fee charged? At time of purchase or on the annual
-- \m/ --
"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood." (c) Dream Theater - ICQ: 1934853 JID:
For those still having a valid 8-month subscription we will make it
available for purchase separately upon expiration of the 8-month
subscription. Those who bought IDEA since Jan 1 2002 but the 8-months has
already expired will get a free upgrade and will be able to purchase
maintenance separately as well.
For everyone else it's sold only with new user license or an upgrade.
"Mark Derricutt" <> wrote in message
Sorry to be so thick Eugene, but I reread your previous messages, and
it's still not completely clear to me.
Just to be sure...
On 22 Dec 2001, I got my personal license.
For 200$, I got
- full personal licence
- free upgrade during 8 month.
- further upgrade at half the price of a new license
When I saw you wouldn't make it before the 9nth month, (damned),
I readied myself to pay half the price of a standard license (around
200$), to make my personal license work with 3.0.
Till there, all is fine, I understand.
Where I'm not sure, it's about the 8 month thing.
1?/ The way I read it, it's become 30 days, for bugfix only.
2?/ If you were to release 3.1 in mid February, and I bought my renewal
for Christmas, I'd have to pay half the price (another 200$), unless I
paid 200$ beforehand for the maintenance contract?!
It used to be simpler.
Maybe I'm just thick on Sundays.
Alain Ravet
If you buy an upgrade you should get another 8 months of free minor updates in my opinion, so youd be covered for 3.1 if it came out 31 days after you bought 3.0
Something to think about.
-Andre Mermegas
What about an option for those folks who aren't interested in support?
Could an alternative pricing scheme be offered for a new license and one year maintainance with no support?
Please, please, make a CD distribution available. Otherwise due to our corporate policy we won't be able to order IDEA.
Eugene Belyaev wrote:
Are you serious?
I do understand that you limit the installation and configuration support
to 30 days. But to charge for bugfixes (not features!) is just not right.
Most of the time i do need bugfixes but no support. What should iany serious
user buy?
The Academic licensing option is still valid, right? USD 99 if I can prove that I can apply for it. Hm, time to save some money... too bad the dollar exchange ratios are so high now :(
Yes this is ridiculous, unless the "no support" key also allows you full
EAP usage.
I am also guite put off by the high price of IDEA licenses. It's very
good, but that's a very high single user price. I appreciate all the hard
work you guys have done, but so many single user developers will just not
pay this. It's a shame.
I really think a $200 single-user only license should be available, and
bugs fixes should always be available, but not support. Why not offer
this, so that you can get the huge single-user market registering? You
can easily tell if a company tries to register for a single-user license
more than once ? and force them to use the higher "corporate" pricing.
Of course I have no right to tell you what to do, but I can see you
losing a lot of fans over this :(
I'm sure you get this kind of comment at the end of every EAP though,
along with threats of moving to jEdit or Eclipse.
In reality most people just switch back to using the free 30-day eval and
hotmail accounts to get keys.
My point? You're probably still not selling many more copies to
individual developers. Most software is just too expensive! You can just
about buy a new PC for the price of IDEA 3.0...
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 11:53:52 +0100, Stefan Mainz wrote:
What would be good is if the first year 'support contract' was included in the
price, with the 'annual' (yearly, not first year) $200 maintenance fee to
continue free updates...
Its hurting - I'm ready to part with close to $1000 for idea, and now I find
its actually gonna cost $1500 upfront (if I get the support contract), ouch :(
-- \m/ --
"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood." (c) Dream Theater - ICQ: 1934853 JID:
Marc Palmer wrote:
>>>Basic license includes only free upgrades to bugfix releases for 30 days
>>>after your purchase and installation and configuration support for 30
>>>after your purchase.
>>Are you serious?
>>I do understand that you limit the installation and configuration support
>>to 30 days. But to charge for bugfixes (not features!) is just not right.
>>Most of the time i do need bugfixes but no support. What should iany
>>user buy?
Hi Marc,
i did not complain about the prices, but the bugfix policy. If they think
the appropriate price is 699$ be it. But charging 499$ and require you
to pay half the price for bugfixes or an annual support contract is not
the policy i would expect.
My suggestion woul be provide bugfixes free of charge to all users of IDEA.
I didn't say you were... the "also" was referring to me being put off in
addition to agreeing with you re: bugs.
The trouble is that you can't really keep bug fix releases separate from
releases that also contain new features. So, they have to draw the line
However, if the "no maintenance" keys also work for EAP releases, then
there is no problem ? you get the new features and bug fixes through EAP.
In article <aqkgb0$1br$>, says...
What happens if Jetbrains releases a mayor version during the
maintenance period? I suppose I have to buy the mayor release with 60%
off the price, but will the annual maintenance continue (and therefore
be valid for the new major release) or will I need to buy a new one?
Yes, the contract will continue until the 12 months will end. So if you
purchase an upgrade to the major release (4.0) you will continue receiving
free upgrades and support for 4.x.
"Mario Schaniel" <> wrote in message
Consider I buy a non-maintenance license and a serious bug is fixed more than 30 days after I bought the license. I'd have an IDE with a serious bug which has been fixed but would cost me another $200 or so.
I would say that bugfixes should always be free of charge since they do not give me any additional functionality but only make work what I expected to work when I bought the product.
Okay, forget my previous posting, I didn't read your clarification on bugfix releases in the other thread!
Eugene Belyaev wrote:
Is student licensing still available? If yes -- for how much? Is it possible
to upgrade a student license to one of the above full licenses?
Best regards,
Dirk Dittert
What about site licensing? We now have most of our team using IDEA. Will it
be $249 per seat to upgrade? What about the maintenance contract?
Jordan Zimmerman
Altura International
Catalog City
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:20:01 +0100, Stefan Mainz wrote:
The $200 annual support contract isn't tooo bad, -if- the first 'annual'
payment is a year after purchase..
As Eugene just clarified before that bugfixes will always be avaialable for
3.0 -without- the support contract, I'm not sure what the support contact
gives, other than support...
-- \m/ --
"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood." (c) Dream Theater - ICQ: 1934853 JID:
Our company contacted the US reseller today, so we could purchase licenses for all 6 of our developers, but we were told that they would only sell licenses to us if we purchased 50 or more.
Is there another way to purchase licenses?
Hi Eugene,
The sounds like that Ariadna EAP project finished or comming finish. Then Aurora will be started, that happen with Ariadna? That happen with Idea. It is planed EAP access to Aurora?
Can you give a little introduction for new project? :)
Thanks a lot for great work! I hope that in this year you will be best of IDE on JavaWorld! :)
PS. It is posible to pay any money for EAP :) ? Like for Linux, or other free projects?
First of all, what's the difference between bugfix releases and minor updates in terms of version numbers? I assume that bugfix releases are 4.0.x and minor updates are 4.x.
Does this mean that basic support just includes 4.0.x updates while annual support also includes 4.x for 1 year? What if I'd like to purchase a 4.x minor update on demand, with just a basic 4.0 license? And can I upgrade to annual support whenever I choose to do so, some time after purchasing the basic license?
Note that it is perfectly clear to me how upgrading to a major release works, for both basic and annual support. I just wonder how minor releases will be dealt with.
You can buy a regular license and use it with the EAP. It has the advantage of not expiring (soon).
My 2 cents on the pricing. $499 is high. JBuilder 8 is coming out and from the feature list they've done a great job of copying as many Idea features as possible. I haven't used JBuilder in quite a while, but I am tempted. It is $399 for SE, and frankly Borland has a lot more company behind it than JetBrains, as far as I can see. My criteria is basically performance/memory usage, pricing, and of course features. If JBuilder comes close to Idea in those arenas then I'll have to consider it...which I certainly don't want to do.
Point being, I know Idea is more comparable to the ridiculous Enterprise version of JBuilder. But my problem is I don't give a hoot about the "Enterprise" features of Idea. I.e. EJB support. Even the webapp support I don't really use, as we're not doing much JSPs. Just like I wouldn't care about a GUI builder.
Anyway, I don't see how JetBrains can compete with the mindshare of either Borland or (Eclipse for that matter) without remaining competitive in pricing. That means not meeting JBuilder's cost, but beating it. And I don't mean Enterprise (or the new performance bundle??? even worse), which I truly think only a fool would buy. Frankly the $399 price two years ago was tricky enough...we have developers that are going to JBuilder unless I can convince them to go with Idea (which is easy, except for the price.)
So, good luck with the $500 tag. My only suggestions are to a) lower that price to as little as $299, b) offer a non-enterprise license, or c) really break the mold by licensing per-feature. The base model is $199 and J2EE support is $75, etc. ...end transmission.
Personally I think IDEA 3.0 pricing is very reasonable. You mention EJB and Web support. There are a lot more fatastic features: great xml editing, ant file editing, very customizable, ...
I haven't used JBuilder for more than a year now (I dumped it the day I downloaded my first IDEA evaluation version) but I really don't expect the features being worth more than $99 since Borland never put the useful features in the cheaper versions. This is at least what I remember from previous ones.
Having a look at the JBuilder feature matrix you find lots of "features" that are not worth mentioning. They split renaming of packages, classes, method, whatever into four different features. It's always the same feature in my opinion: "rename".
They mention "invocation refactoring from code editor". Is this a feature? Where should you invoke it from if not from the editor?
Unit testing support is completely missing in SE.
"Line numbering"... great feature... even unix vi can do this.
"Global search and replace on all files in path"... whooo!
"Code formatting" not available in SE.
This list goes on and on.