Change of maintenance subscription
Note for upcoming IDEA 3.0: the 8-month subscription will not be included with the 3.0 release.
You will be able to purchase separate annual support & maintenance contract which will include maintenance and bugfix updates and online technical support.
What does this mean if we are buying IDEA now? Since 3.0 is not final yet, we would buy licenses for 2.6. We will then get a free upgrade to 3.0 when it is available and any other upgrade for free within 8 months. Is this correct?
Otherwise, would we buy IDEA 3.0 when it is final, we would have to buy a maintenance contract to receive free upgrades?
Thanks for any clarification.
Where did you get that quote from?
After 3.0 is released I would expect to have to pay for new features, but to pay for bug-fixes? Hmm...
The quote is from
I can understand a separate support agreement. But I'm going to have a hard time justifying paying extra money to get bug fixes.
So best bet is to buy now so you get the free 8mo of upgrades and bug fixes. This is what we did.
Actually, we did too ;)