The config and system folder in ~/.IntelliJIDEA3.0 is nice, but...
What is up with the new requirement for having the jre directory in the %IDEA_HOME%. One step forward one step back... if it has to be there why not include it in the self-extracting file? But the real question is why? What was wrong with publishing the dependency and then using a %JAVA_HOME% env setting.
you have to 'read' the forums too...
...people complaining about bundled jre
...people asking for two downloads (with/without jre)
well and truly discussed to death...
It just seems strange... it is good that now I don't have to copy the config and the system file with every download... but I have to re-unzip plug-ins and a jre with every download... looks like didn't gain a thing, just my uneducated observation. :)
Once you have downloaded the jre you don't need to download it again for another build.
No but you have to create the directory and move it into the newly created directory... or can we overwirte the files in the previously installed IDEA_HOME now? I was under the impression that we had to install into a fresh directory.
you don't have to download the JRE if you already have JDK 1.4 on your
- copy the jre folder to idea/jre
- copy the jdk/bin and jdk/lib folders to jre/bin and jre/lib
"Michael J" <> wrote in message
another build.
Just delete all the directories in the /idea directory (excluding the jre
directory) and dump the new files into /idea - it's not that big a deal.
"G Larry Mason" <> wrote in message
directory... or can we overwirte the files in the previously installed
IDEA_HOME now? I was under the impression that we had to install into a
fresh directory.