Code completion popup suddenly disappear

Hi, I'm new on PHPStorm and I'm using the 7.0 trial version.
Until now, I find PHPStorm a great IDE, and I'm planning to buy it.
One boring issue I found is that the code completion popup frequently disappear after 1-2 characters have been pressed.
Sometimes it work well, other time I have to delete the word and start writing again 4-5 times to get the popup still there.

I'm on Linux 64 bit (Ubuntu 13.04), but I've had the same problem switching to Archlinux, installed on a separated partition.

Is there someone that could suggest me a way to fix this problem?. Maybe it's related to Java (I'm using Oracle Java JDK 64bit).



Hi there,

I have no clue at all why it automatically closes for you (maybe somebody else who uses Linux can help here) .. but you can always bring it back by pressing Ctrl+Space (or whatever shortcut you may have there for "Code | Completion | Basic")

Permanently deleted user

Hi Andriy, thank you for your answer.
Yes, I've tried with Ctrl+space but it doesn't bring back. The only way is to completely delete what you were writing and start again.
Later, I am going to attach a screenshot so you can see how it appear.

Now I'm trying with Java 8 but PhpStorm doesn't start at all. The error is "Failed to clear URL cache".
I'll switch back to Java 7.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks Andriy,
Those issues seem similar to mine. I think there's no way to fix it at the moment.
I've attached a screenshot to better undestrand how that happens.
You can see that some text is still visible outside the popup box, while the popup disapperar.


code completion.png

Better post this picture and your comments in that/those ticket(s) -- it's much more useful for developers to see details there.

Permanently deleted user

Ok. Just done. Thanks

Permanently deleted user

I have the same issue and a few of my friends with Linux as well.
It's incredibly annoying and it's pretty frustrating to see this issue living for almost 5 years :(

Ubuntu 16.04 x64
IDEA 2018.1
Oracle JVM 1.8.0_171


Still occurs with the latest versions.


It most of the time starts with the popup appearing with a large offset to the cursor, and after a while it completely disappears.


Windows 10

Intellij IDEA Ultimate 2018.3.4 Preview as well as 2018.3

+ DataGrip



Please try disabling all custom plugins at Settings | Plugins > Installed > `#custom`, restart IDE and check the issue after that. There were no similar reports for quite some time.

Permanently deleted user

I do have the same issue and I don't have any custom plugins. On my second screen which is pivoted (upright) all the code completion popups appear far away from the cursor. This is on Ubuntu.



This has suddenly started happening to me. Been using Idea Ultimate for years. Must be something with latest version: IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.2 (Ultimate Edition). Build #IU-203.7148.57, built on January 25, 2021.

Happens when I do CTRL+Space after typing dot on a val in Kotlin. I briefly get a menu with the suggestions. I can see that the menu is filling in. There is a spinning wheel. If I am fast, I can even select a suggestion. Unfortunately, the menu disappears after about 3 seconds. Very annoying. 

Thanks, Lars


Hi Lars,

I would suggest collecting log files (Help > Collect Logs) and leaving a report on YouTrack:


Same here. Autcomplete popup window started to disappear on 2020.3 (OS X). For Kotlin. Very irritating.


Left a report on YouTrack


Thanks to support, my problem went away with a "File | Invalidate caches". It's worth a try.


Thanks Lars Hansen, my issue also went away after invalidating the cache.

