Loading a project is really slow?
I hope I'm not the only one with this problem, but when I'm trying to open an project it takes a really long time. In phpstorm 4 it was much faster.
For example when I'm using "File -> Reopen" it sometimes takes around 7 minutes, my files are on a samba network share maybe that you're using a slower version of a smb client or something?
I skipped some default folders like "cake, content" etc. but it's still very slow.
So my question is: Do other people have issues with this, or amd I the only one whois is having this problem?
Because when I'm the only one I will look into my computer first before starting a ticket.
// T
As far as I'm concerned, mounted network folders are officially not supported.
Hi Tom,
You are not the only one -- apparently there were some changes made in platform code that seems to affect loading files over network (e.g. http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-13032, http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-13332, http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-91708 ...)
Generally speaking such approach (project files located on network) is highly not recommended (does not always work: high latency can bring weird bugs in such highly threaded application that relays on fast access to source files) -- you better have local copy of the project and setup automatic deployment so all local changes will be replicated on remote location.
Hi, I think that it is a big problem that "mounted network folders are officially not supported".
Especially in web development (that PhpStorm adresses) we have different test servers, scripted tests and deployment server with many different projects in different stages, they are all accessible by different SMB shares via LAN Links.
We need to be able to quicky connect (PhpStorm: Open Directory...) to any of these instances, make some changes, do svn commits/reverts.
While PHPStorm V4 worked well in this setup Version 5 is unuseable. And the suggested alternative to work with a local copy and autosync is VERY cumbersome doesn't cut it (9400 files transfered, taking ages before something productive can be done, problems with svn integration eg. not synced directories become "locally deleted files").
If threading relies on a fixed(?) response time from the filesystem something was done in a horribly wrong way. But since PhpStorm / IntelliJ usually works beautifully and seems to be very well designed, I dont believe in a bad implementation - maybe this is just a plain simple performance regession.
Well, the slowsown is side effect of other improvements.
While we still officially won't accept "over network scenario" 5.0 should work not worse than 4.0 for end users - so we are working on the problem for 5.0.x bugfix update.
UPD: first public build with supposed fix/workaround possible will be available tomorrow.
Thank you! I am looking forward to the update.
Big thanks!
What is your experience with yesterday's 121.252? (http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/WI/Web+IDE+EAP)
It is much better! Allso it's nice that the indexing is now on the background, so I can start editing files right away.
Big thanks :).
What is your experience with yesterday's 121.252? (http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/WI/Web+IDE+EAP)
Hi Alexey,
The syncing problems seem to be gone in this version.
Below you will find my testresults. I also found out that it also makes a huge difference to use the external svn client option (11sec) instead the builtin (81sec).
I always started with a clean phpstorm (invalidate chaches and restart) and no .idea directory in the source tree. All tests used the "external svn" option.
php storm 4.0.3
- new project trunk (cleared caches) - 25 sec
- indexing done - 65 sec (40 sec duration)
- change a single file
- svn revert - 2 sec
- manual sync tree - 2 sec
- close project
- open project after closing phpstorm first - 3 sec
- close project
- open without closing phpstorm first project - 3 sec - changes are complete after 3 sec
php storm 5.0.1
- new project trunk (cleared caches) - 15 sec
- indexing done - 55 sec (40 sec duration)
- change a single file
- svn revert - 2 sec, syncing 81 sec
- manual sync tree - no indication - syncing symbol (left, bottom) continually spinmning
- close project
- open project after closing phpstorm first - 3 sec, changes: updating 12 sec befoce changes are displayed
- close project
- open without closing phpstorm first project - 22 sec, changes: updating 11 sec befoce changes are displayed
php storm EAP 5.0.2
- new project trunk (cleared caches) - 5 sec
- indexing done - 38 sec (33 sec duration)
- change a single file
- svn revert - 1 sec, syncing 0 sec, changes visible after 6 sec
- manual sync tree - 3 sec
- close project
- open project after closing phpstorm first - 3 sec, changes: updating 11 sec befoce changes are displayed
- close project
- open without closing phpstorm first project - 2 sec, changes: updating 7 sec befoce changes are displayed
Thank you for your effort.
Glad that is works for you. Thanks for feedback!