How to see what function you are currently in?
In PhpStorm, when working in a large PHP function, is there an easy way to find out what function your cursor is in?
As it stands, I have to scroll upwards until I find the function signature, and then I press Left+Right on my keyboard to move my cursor so that it scrolls back down to where I was.
Suggestions/feature request: (1) Make it bold/highlight the method you're in in the Structure view, (2) Show the function name in the status bar. (2b) Make it pull up that Ctrl+F12 menu when you click the function name in the status bar.
Hey Mark, heres what I do:
Gets me to the function I'm currently in: Alt + UP
Back to my original position before the move: Ctrl + Alt + LEFT
I find this is the quickest way to go about it.
Another way, as you have already mentioned, is to use Ctrl + F12 window, which also marks the current function.
In PhpStorm 2019.1 EAP and recent releases I do see it in the breadcrumbs view. It will show the class and the method. I don't recall when it came back but it has been a while.
To make sure it's enabled though go to the preferences:
Editor -> General -> Breadcrumbs
Click "Show Breadcrumbs"
Choose all the languages you'd like to display.
Well .. Structure tool window --> very last tool button (Autoscroll from Source) -- it will select the current function/method in Structure window. One minor thing -- it is not prominent enough for your liking (just a dotted rectangle -- not a bold text as you would like).
Also -- have a look at this ticket (Feature Request):
At one point I recall seeing the current function at the top of the window up around the area where the tabs are. I don't see it now in the 3.0 release version though and I'm not sure when it went away. It was useful. Otherwise I do the F12 suggestion now.
Per Mark's original request, the structure view does highlight the current method you're in. And yes it is quite helpful.
Don't really want to have to click it every time to see where I am, but thanks. That feature request is about breadcrumbs... perahps I should submit a new one.
What are you talking about? Where did I said it needs to be "clicked every time" ?? Please check the name of the button again -- especially the first word -- "Automatic".
And? It will show you in what class and function you are currently in -- isn't this you are after? (yeah -- a bit different presentation, but the same effect/result).
But in any case -- you are free to submit new Feature Request -- after comparing ideas your one may be better...
refactor your code - no function should be so long that you need a special feature to detect its scope.
Hi Eugene,
Agreed but there are a number of situations where that ideal breaks down. Because of that, this question is still valid.
Woops. May have been too tired. I was under the imression you had to click the button to have it highlight. I found the tool today...used it a bit. Was handy, but I still can't easily see what class I'm in :) My classes have so many methods that I can't even see the whole structure tree.
I submitted the feature request through idea where it went though. Apparently I can't navigate that thing; it's not showing up under "by: me" anymore.
Edit: Got an email about
I agree, but I didn't write all this code, and I don't exactly have time to go through hundreds of thousands of lines of code to correct it ;)
"At one point I recall seeing the current function at the top of the window up around the area where the tabs are"
I remember seeing that too. It was really rad. But it went away on next release. I've been looking for it ever since.