How to debug with XDebug in PHPStorm 3.0 EAP
In the latests 3.0 EAP (110.44) I have just tried to debug very simple zend framework based website with next xdebug settings:
I have a lot of problems:
1. Breakpoints aren't hit. Only break at first line works for me.
2. Listen to incoming connections doesn't work.
3. Watches tab is unusable. I see only "Cannot evaluate expression" and "cannot get property" Screenshot:
In addition, when I delete any variable from watches - all other expanded variables (arrays/objects) are collapsed.
Please teach how can I make it work.
Hmm, listen to incoming connections works now but script is always broken at first line, both unticked options have no effect:
After fixing issue with mapping items #1 and #2 seems like gone for simple zf project. #3 is still present (but it is marked in BTS as fixed in next EAP). I'll try to debug something more complicated and write back.
Hello Dmitriy,
Correct, you need to set path mapping between actual root and root on virtual disk created by Denver (Another way is to open project directly on virtual disk. In this case no path mappings requires).
Yes, it is fixed.
Thank you for feedback!
Tried debug magento extension - works ok so far. When new EAP build with watches tab fix will be available?
In a day or two. We're busy packaging some new stuff into