whats the keyboard shortcut for "Go to Line"?
Ive looked in the settings and looked in the keymap and tryed to find it usind ctrl+shift+a but cant seam to locate where to set, or what the currnent setting is for the "Go to line" tool.
Currently I can activate it by clicking on the line number in the footer of phpstorm.
Is there a keyboard short cut for it?
If you are on OSX try: (Command+L).
Makes sense right!
"Go To | Line..." -- see what you have got there on your system (as it depends on what Keymap you are using). It's Ctrl+G here on Windows keymap.
Mac PC For (Command + L )
You can also use double shift and $fileName:$line number to directly go to that $line of that $file.
@John Kramer
It's still Ctrl+G here on Windows using Windows keymap (latest stable PhpStorm 2022.3.2).
Thats it, champion! :)
This is an old Thread but it stil was the top Google hit so I'll Chime in.
As of 2023, the standard keybinding shortcut on MacOS is CMD-L. I would expect on Windows that would be CTL-L.
I've changed to using the IdeaVIM plugin since then and so for completeness sake, with that plugin installed the GoTo command is the line number followed by capital G so
Andriy, as always you are awesome.
Mac: Command+g