Resolve "Undefined method"
Hi everyone,
I am used to R# for C# development and just love the Global error analysis. Now, when I do PHP, all my files are filled with red squiggly lines because PhpStorm is unable to infer types and so points out undefined methods and fields all over the code. I would really like to use this for me and help PhPStorm to infer correct types. I have not found a way to annotate code with the correct types, though.
Consider this code:
class A {
function getChildren() {
return %some array of class B%
function calculateSomething(A a) {
foreach(a->getChildren() as $b) {
$b->DoSomething is marked as undefined method. How do I tell PhPStorm that $b is of type B?
Hi Alexander,
This will do:
as well as this (the only difference is the possition of PHPDoc comment):
You may also want to add PHPDoc comment for getChildren() function (although I not 100% sure that this will solve foreach without extra local PHPDoc block (which we did above) -- at least in current PhpStorm builds):
I will try this and report back
@return B[]
is most proper way and will work with foreach.
I must be getting it wrong:
class A {
//@var $b B
private $b;
//@return B
function getB() {
return $this->b;
class B {
function foo() {
$a = new A();
foo() in the last line is undefined. I even added the //@return B comment for the function getB(), which should not be necessary. PhPStorm 2.0.1.
Also, when I add the //@var $b B and there is no class B, there is no error shown, but should show.
What are these //@var $b B and //@return B ?
These are just normal comments. You need PHPDoc comments:
/** @var $b B */ and /** @return B */ respectively.
OK, now that works, at least on my test file. I have to see why it is not working on my production code.
And still, I can state that getB returns B, even if there is no class B without an error message. Or even better a quickfix that allows you to quickly create a class B.
Or yet even better, fills the class with all the code that I want to put in it, so I can go home by 9:01 am and have my days work done ;-)
Thanks a lot
Ah, this is so beautiful, no I can get rid of all that squiggly lines, except for those from database statement: $row->someFieldFromTheDB - I guess I will just turn the undefined field feature off, I can't see a way to solve this in a nice way.
Is there a shortcut for creating the PHPDOC comments easier than typing them by hand?
For function/method: type /** on the line above function declaration and press Enter (for multi-line comment)
+ the latest EAP build has "Generate PHPDoc" action (have not tested it myself yet).
For fields/variables: type /** and press Space (for single-line comment).
Regardless of situation PhpStorm will fill as much details as it can.
If you can -- fetch result row as an array instead of object: $row['someFieldFromTheDB'].
When this ticket will be implemented we may try and treat $row as stdClass (PhpStorm *should* ignore all unknown fields for such class).
Perfect. Now I am satisfied - you guys at JetBrains are doing a tremendous job! Thanks a bunch!
I'm not part of JetBrains - but Alexey is (see the JB overlay icon over avatar :) )
Ah, sorry - I just saw a slavik name and presumed. Note to self: Not everybody with a russion-sounding name works at Jetbrains.;)
Thanks anyway, Andriy.
The praise to Jetbrains remains, though.
And we very grateful you for your kind assistance, Andriy :)