Little bug in file templates and text selection
1. The tempate
class ${NAME} extends CWidget
public function run()
\$data = array();
\$this->render('${NAME.replaceAll("Widget", "").toLowerCase()}', \$data);
creates a file
class NewsWidget extends CWidget
{ // bracket indention
public function run()
$data = array();
$this->render('news', $data);
2. The text selection is end, when cursor move out of the code editor.
3: Where I can find information about file template syntax? I suppose it's little differ from original freemarker syntax.
1) I suppose formatter is auto applied to generated code - and its a bit buggy now.
We have a list of related issues in tracker
2) sorry, I can't understand what is this point about, please explain
3) Templates use Velocity which is not so powerful, and we do not have user documentation yet
2. When the cursor move out of the editor while mouse left button is down, the selection ends. Sorry about my poor English.
Just move it back without releasing button and continue with selection.
Thanks, I know. But it's not comfortable after another IDE.