JSP debugging when JSP files are under WEB-INF folder
We are having issues debugging JSPs under WebLogic 12c. It's a maven based project and all the JSPs live under the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ folder. In my web facet I have the following configured as the web resource directory:
.../src/main/webapp mapped to / as the path relative to deployment root.
We map to the private folder using Spring MVC with the following bean definition:
<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/>
<property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>
I think the configuration is correct but no luck hitting breakpoints so far from a local WebLogic Run Configuration. Not really sure what else to check.
Thanks, Grant
Do you have the corresponding mapping configured in IDEA web facet?
I have my web.xml file mapped. I do not have the WEB-INF folder mapped. I will add it and retest.
Okay, my setup is a little different. My WEB-INF folder is under the src/main/webapp directory so the IDE will not let me add the new mapping since it is a subdirectory of the mapped directory. Here is my directory structure:
Try mapping only the folder with JSPs.
I'll experiment, maybe try some symbolic links. Just mapping the folder with JSPs has consequences. We have a number of JSP folders under WEB-INF, a root folder for SiteMesh JSP templates, the main jsp folder and a partials folder for JSP includes. We also have a WEB-INF/tags folder for custom tags so I really want to map the root folder.
I tried to map the JSP folder, same result. JSP debugging is not functional with WebLogic 12c and JSP files under /WEB-INF. We have a second web application that is angular-based with a single index.jsp page under the root folder. I'll test it there to determine if the issue is location of the JSPs or a more systemic problem with WebLogic.