Introspection Causing Hang

Using Datagrip 2016.2, whenever I do any schema alter, data insert into, or data update it goes into what seems to be a full introspection of ALL schemas. As I have a lot of connections with a lot of databases, this is causing noticeable hang.  I do value the service that introspection provides, but the lengthly pause is starting to wear on my nerves. Anyone else experiencing this? 

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And perhaps this just has something to do with my environment. It's unfortunate though as I've just hit a stride with DG in my workflow. It's basically not-usable for me now. 

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I am having the same problem connecting to SQL Sever using both the Microsoft and the jTds driver, if I try to load a new database, add/change a schema, pretty much anything. I ended up removing all my connections and trying to set them back up again and wasted hours on it. It would hang often, sometimes it would introspect the database I selected, sometimes not, no matter what if I closed and restarted the IDE, it would loose all my work and start trying to introspect (completely) the master database.

My solution until JetBrains fixes this problem was to revert back to 2016.1. Everything works as it used to there.



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Same problem here. Adding a new MySql data source will start introspecting the database and then the entire app will hang.

The existing DataSources still work but I cannot add a new DataSource as it triggers the introspection process.

I have tried invalidating the caches, restarting the app. 


Lee Isles, what DBMS do you have? MySQL?

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I'm seeing this issue via SQLServer. 


Thanks, we've discovered the problem. We plan to have it fixed in the closest minor update.

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@Julian & @ Lee - What version are you using? There was a minor release shortly after I commented on this which I believe solved this issue. I am currently on 2016.2.3 and introspection of new tables (in SQLServer) is working for me.

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I am running 2016.2.1. But my problem could be related to some strange network issues that we have been having in the office.

I need to gather more data.

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I'm having the same issue - Datagrip is doing a full instrospection of every schema whenever I execute ANYTHING, and doesn't just cause noticeable hang - it actually freezes the entire application and bumps up CPU to 150-60% at least. I'm using PostgreSQL exclusively, and DataGrip 2016.2.4

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I have exactly the same issue, postgres and latest versions of DataGrip, the new introspector seems to be the issue. I have reverted back to DataGrip 2016.1.2 (the last stable version thats worked for me) and enable legacy introspection.

This is very frustrating that a product is getting worse not better!


Are all who still face this on 2016.2.5?


I have a very slow and large database (Oracle 11g), and the introspection/synchronization (?) took over 10 minutes, but it did complete.  I was looking to get a diagram, but ended up with nothing, so I think something is not working somewhere.  Unfortunately, it's not my database, but if you want me to run anything to diagnose this, please feel free to contact me via email.  I am still in the evaluation period of this product, version is at 2016.2.5, and as a developer, I will probably be signing up for the entire suite of JetBrains tools.

I would also like to take this opportunity to suggest that maybe there could be a way of performing limited introspections...?  I.E. pick a table, and only determine its immediate relationships, without recursively traversing all the branches?  Or does it not make sense to be able to control the introspection, other than on/off?  The reason I suggest this is that the introspection put a load on the database that wasn't welcome.  (Oops, sorry, my bad.)  Fortunately, I was able to turn it off entirely, and re-run it at a time when the load wasn't as concerning.

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I have not had any further issues with this.

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After updating to 2.5, this issue has resolved itself for me.

Thanks guys!

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I'm currently seeing this issue in 2.6 with a decently sized MySQL database. Any change to schema is triggering introspection, any addition of datasources. Yesterday I let it sit introspecting for 1.5 hours and eventually killed it. I was really looking forward to using this tool but when it's not introspecting it is painfully slow and it has hung for myself and colleague on introspection too many times to be usable at this point.


EDIT: Introspection completed for a single database in 30 minutes after switching to 64bit version, not sure if that's what did it. It appears to sit for the longest on Table constraints. Currently have an introspection running for the last 25 minutes after making a change to one table. 

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Same problem still presists @ DataGrip 2017.1 and Oracle 11.2 DB. By trying to "execute" (macOS cmd + enter) a package body statement it causes full introspection of all schemas in my favorites list. It hangs on "Applying sources".

This makes the software virtually unusable. Migrating from a windows platform and from TOAD this is a bit of a problem cause i need to do some PL/SQL development.

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Any updates? Is someone working on fixing this bug?

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I found out a temporary solution for my MySQL connection : 

In Data source properties, tab General, uncheck "Auto-Sync" parameter and in tab Options check "Introspect using JDBC metadata".

It will sync the whole databases faster and wont sync it again at every changes.

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So am I the only one who still has this problem?

As soon as something needs to sync (either automatically, or manually), the whole application freezes.
The application runs at 25% CPU (so probably one whole core).

Let it be for over an hour, no difference.
Doesn't matter if I run it on a small or a large database.
One few or many databases on a single connection doesn't matter.
Running it just on one schema's tables node doesn't make a difference either.

Makes the whole purchase useless thb.


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No you are not the only one. I still have that problem, it is very frustrating. Jetbrains can you please do something about this?

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Created an issue, please upvote

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I have this same issue... August 2017 now.

I'm using Postgresql and Professional IntelliJ version 2017.1.2

It has only recently (last 2 days) started happening. No idea why, or how to fix it.

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@R Cloete1

Try updating your datagrip to 2017.2

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@Sazz How? Is this something I can do via IntelliJ?

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Intellij is a whole other program. We are talking about Datagrip. Please find the "Check for updates" in the application menus. If you can't find it then please google it or contact tech support. This is not the place for those kind of questions.

