Plugins Site - New design is nice but sucks

Quite horrible change. New and Top lists shows 6 instead of 10 items while taking 3x more space. No reason to even visit it anymore. New plugins roll so often that seeing there something interesting would be even harder now. 

Also comments are once again gone. Will they come back again?

And was the algorithm for Top rated changed, or ratings pruned, or it was just Aspose doing their favourite thing - vote manipulation? Because Top list wast full of their plugins...Not being able to delete spam/manipulation comments only helps these crooks.


Hi Vojtěch,

Thanks for the reply. 

> New plugins roll so often that seeing there something interesting would be even harder now. 

We're going to create a separate pages for new plugins.

> Also comments are once again gone. Will they come back again?

Please told use why do you need them?



>Please told use why do you need them?

Some abandoned plugins had comments that they do not work from some versions, or that they were superseded. 

It was also useful to see if the rating is based on some particular thing or it was just 1 star anonymous, e.g. .gitignore plugin had a lot of negative comments only because of a notification to donate.

Without that, people will only rate, without giving a feedback. Commenting was a low effort mechanism, and I can tell you, people hardly even report bugs, so they surely won't bother to also write an email with their issue.

Or in case of Aspose, it was funny to see that all their ratings were from their own employees (they used their real names) done shortly after releasing their plugins. 



Another problem:

- download count by version is missing in the "Download plugin" table, it is also not in Statistics page.


BTW what happened to this forum? Where is a proper reply button and quotation? Everything seems getting dumbed down :(


I can see the download count by version if I click the "download count" on my plugin's homepage for both time and product used to download the plugin.

I would also like to see comments again. For example, my plugin went from 5 stars to 2.5. While the star rating doesn't bug me as a rating, WHY it went down would be helpful most likely if they were able to leave a comment. Maybe there is a bug they don't want to login to github to note, but they WOULD be willing to leave a comment. 



You see statistics of downloads, but there is no total download number by version, even when selecting it. And even if it was, download count in  the "Download plugin" table would be still better.


Maybe I am paranoid, but it seems to me that rating of many of my plugins went down as well. 


We've just updated, a variety of issues has been fixed. Your feedback is highly appreciated.


Looks good.

Could you also add 'total downloads per version', as it was before or at least to the statistics page?



Do you mean downloads per plugin version? You can see it when you are logged in and hover mouse over download link.


Yes, thanks, hadn't noticed it.

