What is the extension point for modifying existing run configurations for rust runs (in RustRover)?


Dear plugin development community and JetBrains team,

What is the extension point for modifying existing run configurations for rust runs (in RustRover)?

In the past we've tried org.rust.runConfigurationExtension, but that did not seem to work, and now the intellij-rust plugin is deprecated anyways.

For Go we're successfully using com.goide.runConfigurationExtension, for Ruby org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.RunConfigurationExtension, etc.

What can we use to control the run configuration on Rust runs?



There is nothing special required to use this extension point. If you target RustRover (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin-types.html#IntelliJPlatformType), it should be available.

If you still have problems, please share your plugin project setup.


There is nothing special required to use this extension point.

With “this extension point”, you're talking about org.rust.runConfigurationExtension? That's the right extension point even though that open source plugin is now deprecated?
This is our project: https://github.com/metalbear-co/mirrord-intellij


Yes, I mean org.rust.runConfigurationExtension. It is a part of RustRover, and the plugin deprecation doesn't matter, as far as I know.

