2024.2.2 ... Seriously? Who designed this UI


I do not know who designed the new “UI Experience” but it is complete garbage, and if it hadn't been for the “Classic UI” plugin, our entire team would be ditching this project.

Please make better UX design decisions. As a developer, we don't want to have to learn how to use an application all over again just because someone thought “OH THIS IS A GOOD IDEA.” 

The design does nothing but turn pre-existing users who have been loyal off your products. 



We appreciate the feedback. As you already noticed, we do have the classic UI plugin available.


Just my 2cents. As a ultra-wide monitor user, I prefer the new UI personally, it uses way less space and de-clutters the overall view (I use 3 or 4 windows side by side and PyCharm usually only has the code pane showing and sometimes the filetree), it still has everything we need but just hides stuff you arent immediately using. I also used “tabbed” windows “Window→Merge all project windows” but always-on by default as I work on 3/4/5 projects at the same time.

When working with colleagues who use VSCode, it also makes it look less foreign.

