Notify the user if passwords are not stored in keepass?
I want to check programatically if the user hasn't selected “keepass” in settings→password and notify the user accordingly. If I can change that setting programatically with the consent of the user, that would be even better.
please help.
Please share what effort you made to solve this problem.
Hi, I was able to get the default and supported
but unable to get if the KeePass is selected as ProviderType in the settings. Please help if it is possible.CredentialStoreManager.Companion.getInstance().defaultProvider();
();I explored “PasswordSafeSettings” as per your recommendation but wasn't able to find any solutions for my problem. I am still working on it as of now.
I am able to get the default providers and available providers, but not the ones selected by the user.
Okay, we got it.