Locking "Find Usages" tool window size and location


Is there a way to lock the “Find Usages” tool window to a certain size and location?

Right now it seems to always want to open at/below the cursor location, and will only takes as much space as necessary.

I find the preview very useful, but I commonly adjust the window size so that I can see a) more results and b) more of the code preview.

Ideally, I could have it always open with some specific size and location, or remember the size/location I adjusted it to.

Is this possible?


Hi there,

There are an actual “tool window” and a "popup". 

Tool window has the size of other tool windows in that docking place (or you can make it float, so it will have own size). The popup position is dynamic – sounds like you are referring to the latter one.

Just in case:

  • the "tool window" is Alt+F7 here on Windows keymap, or whatever you have there for “Find | Find Usages | Find Usages
  • the “popup” is Ctrl+Alt+F7, or “Find | Find Usages | Show Usages
