File Path in Project is shown incorrectly
I have an issue with a PhpStorm project, at least one of the files is shown as being outside the project. Physically, it isn't.
File map on server of one specific file is shown correctly as
but File Path in Project is shown incorrectly as
The slash at the beginning is obviously wrong, but I don't know how to change it.
This is giving me pathing issues, and I can't debug the project.
Can you advise?
Hi there,
1. Could it be the symlink that causes it?
2. The leading slash is odd. Very odd. I'm not sure if I ever seen it myself.
3. The paths you have provided – they are still different, even after ignoring the leading slash – different folder names ("valprop" vs "valenciapropV3"). Please double check it. It's possible some that you have some misconfiguration in the project or at the web server level.
4. Since it's debug related – I'd enable the Xdebug log (point that Xdebug config option to a writable file), try to debug to have this issue, and then check the log – it should show what path it uses. Maybe it's already “wrong” like that there.
Well spotted - and a black mark for me for not spotting it!
I can move it forward now… thanks