After disabling decompiler plugin IJ still freezing
I have the latest IJ and when I try to copy and paste I get a progress bar that takes forever
Per other suggestions I disabled the Java Decompiler Plugin and restarted but it is still happening. I increased my heap but same thing. My Log and thread dump look are available at upload id (2024_09_11_GvnnLQ8RM7v6voi1uh4M4R)
I am running on Windows 11 and my computer has 64gb ram and the heap setting is set high enough it shouldn't be the issue based on process manager.
Thank you for any help.
Upload id: 2024_09_11_GvnnLQ8RM7v6voi1uh4M4R (files: IU-242.21829.142_memory_jacki_11.09.2024_11.36.10.hprof,
Please file a bug at and attach the thread dumps using
when this issue occurs. See for more details.