Typescript bug with Union Types

React-pdf library has Image tag and intellij want to have source and src property as parametes, even it should be one of them.
2024.1 work well , bug apper on 2024.2


What error can you see namely? Can you please share a file or a full, self-containing code snippet (as text) that would be sufficient to reproduce the problem? This would help us a lot with the further investigation.


TS2607: JSX element class does not support attributes because it does not have a props property

The error comes from the Typescript compiler, not from the IDE.
It can be either a configuration issue or a problem with tsconfig files processing (like https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-68161). If the problem persists after upgrading to version 2024.2.2 (when it's available), please submit a new youtrack ticket, attaching a sample project where the issue is repeatable for you.
