Git Hub Co Pilot Plug In Update Issue

When I open PyCharm (Pro), I get a message to install the Git Hub Copilot Plug In update. When I do and re-estart Pycharm, I keep getting this message:

The IDE failed to install or update some plugins.
Please try again, and if the problem persists, report it to the support.

The cause: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\petrz\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharm2024.2\plugins\github-copilot-intellij\copilot-agent\native\win32-x64\copilot-language-server.exe

When I open PyCharm the update seems to be installed and GitHub CoPilot works and but this happens again when I open PyCharm.



The previous plugin update was most likely not installed properly. Please close PyCharm, remove Copilot contents from the IDE plugins directory, and reinstall the plugin. The issue should be resolved after that. 

