Clion code completion/smart keys behaving strangely
Recently I've moved to a new computer, installed there Clion and moved my project. However, the Clion code completion on the new computer behaves strangely. The most obvious thing is that it does not insert paired brackets or quotes, despite the options being checked in Editor→General→Smart Keys. Perhaps I need some other configuration options, or the project has been imported in a bad way to Clion and that impacts everything (indeed it shows that mile files do not belong to any project target)?
Most probably, CLion Nova (
File | Settings | Advanced Settings | CLion | Use the ReSharper C++ language engine (CLion Nova)
) is enabled in CLion on your new computer. It's enabled by default if no settings from previous CLion installations are found on a machine - Keys settings don't work in CLion Nova, currently - CPP-24705. Feel free to comment or upvote the issue in order to get updates. See if you are not familiar with YouTrack. At the moment, the only way to make these settings work is to disable CLion Nova.
What build system is your project based on?
Thank you very much, this was it! However, now the machine-learning line completion does not work - the C++ option disappears from Inline Completion → Enable local Full Line completion suggestions. I guess at the moment it is associated with Clion Nova? Still, completing braces, etc., is far more important for me :)
I am using cmake.
Yes, Full line code completion only works with CLion Nova currently.
Please do
Tools | CMake | Reset Cache and Reload Project
. Do you see any errors/warnings in the CMake tool window? Do you still observe the issue with files incorrectly marked as non-belonging to the project?That helped too, thank you!