Salesforce Illuminated Cloud - Not getting latest from server
Intellij Ultimate (Updated)
IlluminatedCloud2 (updated)
I'm going through a Udemy course where they teach using only the Salesforce (lightning) techstack - and use of the console/ui to create classes. When I use the salesforce UI to create/edit a class - i can NOT retrieve this updates inside of intellij.
HOWEVER - if i use intellij to create/edit classes - and deploy (yes i'm connected correctly), it will push these updates to server and I am able to see them in my salesforce workspace on the UI/console.
This appears to be only 1 direction updating… probably a misconfiguration on my part. What would I be missing to use RETRIEVE METADATA - if that even is the correct way to GET LATES from my salesforce workspace in cloud?
The video i used to connect intelliJ to salesforce workspace: