Unable to start Kotlin application in 2024.3 Beta
With the last few EAP builds 2024.3 was not able to run Kotlin applications. I hoped it will be fixed in the current Beta, but this is not the case. The IDE showas the following error:
Read access is allowed from inside read-action only (see Application.runReadAction()); If you access or modify model on EDT consider wrapping your code in WriteIntentReadAction or ReadAction; see https://jb.gg/ij-platform-threading for details Current thread: Thread[#146,ApplicationImpl pooled thread 6,4,main] 1099213515 (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()=false) SystemEventQueueThread: Thread[#47,AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main] 528545271
Also the exception reporter has recorded around 100 exceptions. I've reported them to the issue tracker.
Hi Andreas,
It could be related to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-30500
Please upload your idea.log file (Help | Show Log in…) privately to our server for analysis. Make sure to share the id of the upload here so that we can find it.
Here is the id of my upload: Upload id: 2024_11_01_TnnyAYiMALxTmKjk8rJ9Ek (file: idea.log)
Just installed 2024.3 RC and the problem is fixed there. Thanks a lot.