New to PyCharm - journey
Hi Community :-)
I am new to PyCharm and loving it!! (Community edition)
I do have one concern. Please help me out:
I realise once you settle on an IDE, you do invest a lot of time into it before maximizing it and becoming productive with it. This is all good investment! However, as I look at issues like these ( I am concerned about the WAY it seems handled – more than the annoyance of constantly bumping into the issue itself.
It seems that issues like this are simply “ignored” and then “closed never to reopen” without any reason given as to why this will not be addressed or is of a very low priority. All businesses have constraints, but the communication is important for sustainability and personal investment.
So, I am concerned to invest much time into PyCharm if tomorrow I bump into an even bigger issue and it is just brushed off as “not important” and closed.
Please comfort or confirm.
Kind regards,