Checkout - update conflict on pycharm

Dear team,

I recently faced the following issue when working with PyCharm: I was working on a feature branch (let's call it my_feature_branch) with no changes to be committed, but there were some changes that needed to be pulled. I updated such branch, but before the process was over I checked out the develop branch, which was allowed by PyCharm. 

By doing this, it was as if the changes to my_feature_branch tried to be merged into develop, leading to multiple merge conflicts.

The same issue happened already another time, by following the opposite process: I checked out another feature branch and before the checkout was complete I updated develop, leading to merge conflicts coming from develop into such feature branch. 

I solved the issue by recreating the whole project (as all changes coming from my side were already committed and pushed), but for safety reasons I feel it would be good not to allow PyCharm to update branch A while checking out branch B or the opposite (i.e. not to allow it to check out branch B while updating branch A). 

Is there a similar option already in place? If not, would it be possible to add it? 

