Indentation for C-style block comments


Given a comment with messed up indentation that looks like this:

* This is a function
   * @param one The first param
     * @param two The second param

I would very much like to be able to highlight this text, and then press “Ctrl+I”  (or “Ctrl+Alt+L”) and have it transform into this:

 * This is a function
 * @param one The first param
 * @param two The second param

Doing this is kinda out-of-the-box behavior in some other IDEs I regularly use, but CLion doesn't do it.

(CLion seems to only fix indentation for C++ style comments, where the line starts with “//”.)


Is there any setting to configure this behavior, or is it simply an oversight in the CLion formatter that'll need to be addressed?



I would very much like to be able to highlight this text, and then press “Ctrl+I”  (or “Ctrl+Alt+L”) and have it transform into this

Selecting this block and executing Code | Reformat Code works correctly on my side in a default "Hello, World!" project (File | New Project > C++ Executable > Create). Does it work for you in the default project?


No, it does not.

Clicking “Reformat Code" with this block selected does nothing.

(I've now reproduced this in my real projects on Linux, and this Hello World project on macOS.)


Please do Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data and send the resulting archive to clion-support at together with the link to this thread. Note that logs might contain private user information (like file paths and names).


Reproduced from a test project on Linux, and sent logs to the address as requested.


For the record:

The related request in our tracker - CPP-25972. ClangFormat can be used as a workaround -


I'm not actually sure that describes the same issue.

CPP-25972 seems to be about general purpose comment formatting, and makes absolutely no mention of specific comment styles.

The issue I'm reporting is just about indentation, and if I change from a C-style comment ("/** … */") to a C++ style comment ("// foo // bar") then CLion has no problems fixing indentation.



On my side, both Doxygen /** … */ comments and general /* .. */ multiline comments are not reformatted when Code | Reformat Code is executed. CPP-25972 is about formatting such comments when Code | Reformat Code is executed.


Here's a before/after screenshot showing explicitly what I'm talking about:

Note how one comment style gets its indentation fixed, and the other is completely untouched.


I've reopened CPP-22744 When formatting a block comment, align lines. It's specifically about alignment and /* .. */ multiline comments. Feel free to follow it if you find it more suitable.


Thanks.  That issue looks like a much better description of what I'm actually encountering.

