How can I set a breakpoint into Kotlin default constructor


According to, you can set a breakpoint for the default class constructor by clicking on class declaration line 

To suspend the program when the default constructor of a class is called, click the gutter at the line where the class is declared

However, it doesn't work with Kotlin files (.kt). How can I set a breakpoint into default constructor?

Please check if your issue matches the scenario in ticket:

I think my case is different - I'm trying to set a constructor breakpoint in a top-level class but in a library sources, precisely in okhttp3.internal.tls.OkHostnameVerifier class (located in /Users/danila.galimov/.m2/repository/com/squareup/okhttp3/okhttp/4.9.0/okhttp-4.9.0-sources.jar!/okhttp3/internal/tls/OkHostnameVerifier.kt). 

Hi Danila, 

Thank you for your patience!

To further analyze and solve the issue, I would appreciate it if you could provide a detailed, runnable code sample or project that reproduces the problem or a screen recording where you reproduce the issue if your code is sensitive and can't be shared. 
Please use the following link to create a new ticket and upload your project or code:

Best regards, 
Daria Smirnova 
Kotlin Support
