BIGQUERY_API_ERROR in running Google Big Query script
Hello. I am struggling to find a solution to my issue. I am new to this so any support is appreciated.
I have a project in Google Big Query (GBQ) but I only have a User Account. When I connected DataGrip with GBQ, I was able to access all the tables, UNTIL I queried from a table that brings in data from Google Drive (Google Sheets specifically). I have access to both the Google Sheet and I login to the Simba driver pop-up window using my GBQ credentials. Attaching a screenshot of the error I get which says BIGQUERY_API_ERROR. I looked up many solutions but cannot figure it out at all.
Please help! Let me know what further info is needed.

We'll need to have a closer look at your issue. To do this, please collect the logs below and upload them onto our FTP
idea log from Help - Show Log in Files
database log from Help - Show Log in Files
Please include your upload id in your reply. We'll have a look and get back to you.
Hi, I uploaded the files here are the upload IDs (could not upload them together for some reason). I have a Windows 11.
2024_12_06_YW8DMZV1e9itDT7ZQCkgJL - database log
2024_12_06_KnJ8k6SxD5Tcg2LDE9mhPF - idea log
I see that this error is happening when you query this table while accessing tables in other schemas work fine
SELECT * from yvm_data.yvm_2024_gsheet
Does it happen for all tables in yvm_data? Are you able to see its objects in Database Explorer?
I see your current JDBC version is Driver: SimbaJDBCDriverforGoogleBigQuery Please see if upgrading to version 1.6.1 in Drivers section of your data source fixes this issue. You may also consider clearing the schema cache
Thanks for your response. It only happens for sheets that are added through Google Sheets to GBQ. So in yvm_data, yvm_2024_gsheet is the only table that is connected to a Google Sheet (I added it in as a test case, and the rest are uploaded through a downloaded CSV which is a hassle any time there is a change on the Google Sheet).
Sorry but how do I upgrade the driver? I tried clearing the schema cache but it's not making a difference.
Are we talking about external tables here, the ones not working(yvm_data, yvm_2024_gsheet)? If so, we have this issue reported on our tracker:
There's a workaround posted in the thread, please give it a try
To change the driver version, please navigate to the data source properties under Drivers