Git window branch filtering with multiple Git repos and branches with the same name


Hey, I'm having an issue with the Git window graph in a project that includes several Git repositories.

When two distinct repos have the same branch name, both branches are shown in the graph if I filter by branch name, i.e. if two repos have a branch named “dev”, the commits from both repos are shown if I select one the branches in the left pane. The filter seems to be unable to differentiate branches with the same name but from distinct repos.

Is there a way around that? I would like the graph to only display the commits for the specific repo and branch I have selected, even if another repo in my project also has a branch with the same name.




A tip: Ctrl+Click (or command on Mac) allows to select a single root. (unselects other automatically) 



Yes, it is possible, please see: Click on Paths


Hey, this Paths menu isn't ideal because you actually have to uncheck all the branches you don't want to see but I guess it willd do. Thanks

