Select the folders excluded in Analyze Code

I have been developing a little front end project with some libraries JS wih npm.

When i want to analyze code, it gives lots of errors and warnings ( about 12000), and it takes a long time. Would be nice that somehow we can exclude the usual/typical node_modules folder from analyzing code…as takes lots of time and problems or warnings cant be solved or fixed. Another folder to avoid easily could be docs ( where you have the Jsdoc documetation) and /dist ( npm run build) when there are the files ready for deployment.

Or include the files inside /js folder where my code, classes and modules are.

Dont know if its possible right now in Webstorm, but could be a great feature request.




To exclude the certain folder from the code analysis, you can mark it ‘excluded’ (Mark Directory as > Excluded in the folder right-click menu).

Please note that the IDE normally auto-excludes node_modules, but adds direct project dependencies to JavaScript library for completion/navigation, etc. so that they still appear in search when using the scopes that include libraries, this is expected.


You werr right node_modules and ist where excluded.

But i got 13000 warnings of ESlint probably from /docs which is all the docs output generated by Jsdoc

And my code is small, i dont have 13000 warnings…..i got at most 30.

Its a good idea no to exlude also /docs ?

By the way has any impact: Mark Directory as > Resource root  or is only to get a visual overview of the project structure…



To get rid of the ESLint warnings, you can set up the .eslintignore accordingly. Please refer to for more information.

