TerminalShellCommandHandler and TerminalFusAwareHandler Not Working in Version 2024.1 and Above


I want to listen to the commands executed by users in the terminal within IDEA. I chose to use the TerminalShellCommandHandler and TerminalFusAwareHandler interfaces. However, I found that these interfaces work well in IDEA version 2023.1, but they do not function in version 2024.1. Why is this happening?

Here is my configuration in plugin.xml:

<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">

    <terminal.shellCommandHandler implementation="com.ke.cmd.plugin.ShellCommandHandler"/>
    <terminal.fusAwareHandler implementation="com.ke.cmd.plugin.ShellCommandHandler"/>




I can't find the terminal.fusAwareHandler extension point. This interface looks like a marker interface for handlers that should provide feature usage statistics to JetBrains. It shouldn't be used by 3rd-party plugins.

Regarding TerminalShellCommandHandler, it should be used for intercepting and executing matching commands, not just for listening to executed commands.

How did you use it and what doesn't work?

Please describe your use case.

