TerminalShellCommandHandler and TerminalFusAwareHandler Not Working in Version 2024.1 and Above
I want to listen to the commands executed by users in the terminal within IDEA. I chose to use the TerminalShellCommandHandler and TerminalFusAwareHandler interfaces. However, I found that these interfaces work well in IDEA version 2023.1, but they do not function in version 2024.1. Why is this happening?
Here is my configuration in plugin.xml:
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<terminal.shellCommandHandler implementation="com.ke.cmd.plugin.ShellCommandHandler"/>
<terminal.fusAwareHandler implementation="com.ke.cmd.plugin.ShellCommandHandler"/>
I can't find the terminal.fusAwareHandler extension point. This interface looks like a marker interface for handlers that should provide feature usage statistics to JetBrains. It shouldn't be used by 3rd-party plugins.
, it should be used for intercepting and executing matching commands, not just for listening to executed commands.How did you use it and what doesn't work?
Please describe your use case.