How to debug JavaScript code embedded in python
I am trying to debug javascript that is embedded in Python using PyCharm Professional edition. Please can you help me undertand what I need to do to be able to do this?
I am testing the problem with a python widget that inherits from AnyWidget which I call from Jupyter. The widget includes embedded javascript. When I set a breakpoint in the javascript and run the widget, the program does not stop at the breakpoint.
from testwidget import CounterWidget
counter = CounterWidget()
import anywidget
import traitlets
class CounterWidget(anywidget.AnyWidget):
_esm = "counterwidget.js"
value = traitlets.Int(0).tag(sync=True)
JavaScript (counterwidget.js):
function render({ model, el }) {
let count = () => model.get("value");
let btn = document.createElement("button");
btn.innerHTML = `count is ${count()}`;
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
model.set("value", count() + 1);
model.on("change:value", () => {
btn.innerHTML = `count is ${count()}`;
export default { render };
When I debug in chrome, I can see that the reason for this seems to be that a new js “file” is dynamically created each time I run the program, and the newly created file does not have the breakpoint. In chrome, I can work around the problem by stopping execution just after the creation of the js file, then set the breakpoint in the new js file. However, I can't do this from within PyCharm.
In addition, I followed the "Debugging JavaScript locally” tutorial on this page: and was able to successfully stop at a brekpoint in the javascript.
Please can you help me figure out what I need to do to stop in javascript from python?
I posted a similar query to AnyWidget and received a response. I am posting the link here for anyone who has the same query: How to debug _esm javascript code? · manzt/anywidget · Discussion #776.