How to create a shortcut for a specific Run/debug configurations
In webstorm, I have two Run/debug configurations one called "conf_v1" and the other is "conf_v2"."conf_v1" is of type npm and "conf_v2" is of type "attach to node.js/chrome". "conf_v1" can be execute as run or as debug."conf_v2" can be execute only as debug. I want to configure the f10 as a keyboard shortcut for executing "conf_v1" as run and shift + f10 as a keyboard shortcut for executing "conf_v2" as debug.In case you have other solutions that will allow me to achieve this distinction I will be very grateful.
Unfortunately it's not possible at the moment. Please vote for IJPL-14235 to get notified of any progress with this feature.
Hello Elena Pogorelova thank you for your response,I voted for the feature, I hope we will get it soon, it will be extremely useful.Have a nice day.