failure to detect existing packages
Using Pycharm Community Edition 2024.3.1.1 on Windows 10 pro, with a Python 3.12 interperter dedicated to this project.
The packaging support panel shows that I have multiple packages installed (e.g. arxiv), but when using them, the IDE told me that there is no such module. I have restarted the computer multiple times and deleted-then-reinstalled pycharm, with no effect. Below is a snapshot of the problem (all fourteen errors are due to similar reasons).
I wish to know: first, what's wrong; and second, what can be done?

Hi Masterofmess, have you tried to invalidate caches (File | Invalidate Caches | Invalidate and restart)? Does it help?
If not, please create an issue on YouTrack, attach all relevant information (including IDE logs from Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data) for quicker resolution.