Question about file handling in WebStorm (no way to auto-reload files on start)


I hope you don't mind my inquiry, but I’m curious about why WebStorm doesn’t directly use files on disk. It seems there might be some caching involved, which I find puzzling. Having used various IDEs for over 30 years, I’ve never encountered this behavior before.

Every time I open WebStorm, the first thing I have to do is select “Reload All from Disk.” I often make changes directly from the console (or different editor), and it would be more efficient if WebStorm could recognize those changes immediately upon startup.

Is there a way to configure WebStorm to behave similarly to Visual Studio Code in this regard? I’ve looked through the settings but haven’t found an option for “always reload all from disk on start.”

Thank you for your help!


By default, WebStorm should sync local files upon opening and wait for several seconds (the duration depends on the size of your project and the number of files to be synced).
Does the WebStorm sync these changes after you open the WebStorm and wait for a longer time (like 30 seconds)?

Also, please make sure `Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | When switching to the IDE window or opening an editor tab` is enabled.

Hi Lejia, thank you for answering my question.

The size of the project has nothing to do with it - I'm testing WebStorm on literally just one file. And still, everything doesn't work as it should (in my opinion).

Let me give you a step-by-step example:

  • I open a file in WebStorm. I make some changes to it. I save the file and close WebStorm.
  • I open the same file in some other editor, like vim in the terminal. I make some changes, save the file.
  • I open WebStorm again. The app opens showing the last edited file - so that's exactly the one I want.
  • But unfortunately this file opened by WebStorm does not show the changes I made in vim.
  • The worst thing is that if I make any changes in WebStorm now and save the file - it will overwrite the changes made in vim. WebStorm doesn't even inform me that the file has been changed in the meantime!

So it turns out that every time I start WebStorm I have to run “Reload All from Disk”. This makes absolutely no sense.

Does the WebStorm sync these changes after you open the WebStorm and wait for a longer time (like 30 seconds)?

No, even if I wait longer I still see the version saved by WebStorm, not the current version saved on the local disk.

please make sure `Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | When switching to the IDE window or opening an editor tab` is enabled

Yes, it is enabled. 

Thanks for the detailed info. Your current IDE behavior does not seem correct compared to the intended IDE behavior

Could you please reproduce this issue and get IDE log files from `Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data`, upload them to, and share the upload id for investigation?
