Output path intersects with source root warning
During compilation IntelliJ shows below warning:
Warning:Output path [..]JPABootstrapping/target/generated-sources/annotations intersects with a source root. Only files that were created by build will be cleaned.
Could you please explain the reason of the warning and how I can avoid it.
Just for additional details, my pom.xml has below plugins which are used for source generation:
Thank you!
Please check https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-159676.
As a workaround, it was suggested to "set Maven
phase as "Execute before rebuild". But since I see only "Before launch", could you please explain where I can find "Execute before rebuild" item in UI.Thank you!
Got it! Thank you very much for the help!
Serge Baranov Your link is broken. This one works: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-159676/
Thanks, fixed the link.