"For current project" settings?



I have a suspicion that I am having a big misconception about "per project" vs. "global" settings. There are many pages in the Settings menu, which are marked as "For current project" (in my case Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle > Runner). However I have never been able to get these settings to truly be "for current project" only. If I change a setting on one of those pages, it is applied to every other project I have open.


Am I just misunderstanding what this text means? This post seems to suggest I am not: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/207612585-Project-settings-vs-IDE-settings?input_string=%22For%20current%20project%22%20settings%3F 


Please shine some light on this, thank you.


If you change project settings the change affects current project only and is stored within project configuration files. Global settings affect all new projects you create.

As mentioned in the post you've linked if something is not working as described it is a bug.

What settings do you change? E.g. there is known issue with Gradle "Delegate IDE build/run actions to gradle" setting: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-173354

Permanently deleted user

Ok, so it is a bug then. I had hoped since the linked post is quite old it had been fixed by now, but it seems this needs to be programmed in manually for every setting...


Any chance to have it (label "For current project") as combobox with ability to switch to "global" so any change will be applied to all current and future projects?

