Gometalinter: don't work clickable and jump to code
Hello JetBrains Team,
Config Gometalinter by:
In current version 2018.1 don't work clickable and jump to code
Hello JetBrains Team,
Config Gometalinter by:
In current version 2018.1 don't work clickable and jump to code
Hi, Andrew,
Currently, I cannot reproduce the issue.
1. What OS are you using?
2. Have you tried to just use predefined "gomatalinter" template, not manually setting it? (Preferences > Tools > File Watchers > '+' > gometalinter)?
3. Is this project inside GOPATH?
>>1. What OS are you using?
mac os 10.12.6
>>2. Have you tried to just use predefined "gomatalinter" template, not manually setting it? (Preferences > Tools > File Watchers > '+' > gometalinter)?
this method is work.
>>3. Is this project inside GOPATH?
>> this method is work.
Does this mean that using predefined template solves your problem and with it file links become clickable?
When used File Watchers with "gometalinter" logs is clickable
When run "gometalinter" from tools/external tools
logs is not clickable
Currently, external tools cannot handle relative paths, only the absolute ones:
Gomatalinter reports relative path by default. To make it output absolute paths, add the following flag:
--format="{{.Path.Abs}}:{{.Line}}:{{if .Col}}{{.Col}}{{end}}:{{.Severity}}: {{.Message}} ({{.Linter}})"
(it differs from default value by {{.Path.Abs}} instead of {{.Path}}).
I know about relative paths.
I tried by you method or config gometalinter.json
But logs is not clickable
Can you give me a screenshot of your external tool settings (with "Advanced Options" unfolded)?
Preferences > Tools > External Tools > Click "edit" on the tool you created and screen the dialog.
You need to add $FILE_PATH$:$LINE$ to "Output filters" field and everything should work (this is described in the article you mentioned in the problem description). Output filters are used to parse output of the executed tool.
this option works