2018.1 update -> Find in Path textbox issue

After PhpStorm updated to 2018.1 there has been an issue using the Text to find textbox in the Find in Path dialog. When the dialog appears typing has no effect on the text box. Keyboard arrows do nothing. It is as if keyboard events are ignored. The only way I can get the keyboard to work is to use the mouse and unselect the text in the box. Or use the drop down to select a previous search. Then it recognizes the keyboard again.

Oddly, this only happens if I use the keyboard shortcut to bring up the dialog:  CTRL + SHIFT + F.

Using the menu:  Edit | Find | Find in Path...   it works normal, typing overwrites what is selected in the box

keymap is Visual Studio. PhpStorm is launch via toolbox.

Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1709, os build 16299.192

Permanently deleted user

Same problem!

I am very sad, can't use search :-(


Ubuntu 14

Intellij 2018.1


I'm using old search dialog. (ide.find.as.popup)

Permanently deleted user

Same issue here on macOS 10.13.3 with PhpStorm 2018.1.1


Hi there,

What do you have in idea.log (Help | Show log in...)?

Quite possibly it will be this one: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-187808


>I'm using old search dialog. (ide.find.as.popup)

This one may be already fixed for 2018.1.2


Andriy is correct.

Also it might be https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-189500.

Both issues are being investigated atm.

Permanently deleted user

there appears to be a delay, it works after a few seconds

